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  • Writer's pictureRoss R.

A New Year, A Title We've All Seen Before

As the decade rolls over(or doesn't), most people resolve to do something new and different with themselves in the hopes of achieving some kind of self-improvement. And as a fellow human being with a functioning heartbeat, I too will also try running up that steep slope to an uncertain goal. Hopefully I'll make it to the top as a new person. If not, hopefully I'll be on the top of failed, fat corpses of people who thought they could stay on a diet for more than a month.

So this blog intends to just a side project or hobby. It will be a place for me to actually put all my writing for once, and maybe even another stab at the CritCast movie reviews I used to do for fun back in college. The old CritCast movie reviews can be found on SoundCloud, where I probably won't upload anymore because I'm not paying for more free storage. Or check out my old Blogger.

If nothing else, this will be a digital record of what I'm doing on the side. Maybe I'll need it as a plus point for future employers, or it will be evidence of my wrongness when the Revolution happens. Who knows! This is for me.

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