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  • Writer's pictureRoss R.

CritRiffs "Enter the Yo Zone" and "Flirting with Magic"

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

I haven't kept up with updating this place as much as I've kept up with videos. But here are two more CritRiffs I've made with my buddies. I'm clearing carving out a niche of riffing on early 90s and late 80s VHS craziness. To support that, I'm genuinely looking for a VCR player and VHS tapes from that era, in addition to a capture device.

The most unfortunate part of this endeavor, however, is that we are now so far removed from that era that even places like thrift stores don't carry VHS tapes. DVDs are the new format that gets handed-down and thrown away now. I think I'm going to have to specifically go out and seek people selling VHS tapes.

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